It’s been exactly a week since we officially moved onto Celtic Spirit. We packed the final boxes at our Providence apartment over Labor Day weekend and took another batch to ‘winter storage’ aka Willem’s childhood room. We tried to get rid of as many things as possible: we sold large furniture items like our bedframe, dining table and couch; we donated clothes, books and kitchen items and sent a few bags to ThredUp. Still, Willem’s old room is now full of our few favorite pieces of furniture, our kitchen items, most of our winter clothes and books.

What to bring ontothe boat for the trip?

Thinking through what we may need with us while traveling on Celtic Spirit for the next 6 months was challenging. We thought we are doing well with downsizing until we saw the number of boxes piled up in the dinghy to take onto the boat. Nonetheless, we are happy to report that most of our everyday clothing items fit into the closets in our bunk, and it seems everything will have a place eventually. It is essential that nothing is left ‘out’ meaning everything has to be packed away into closets and/or storage boxes in case it gets wavy underway. We’ve experienced some slamming waves over the summer and saw how full gallon water jugs fell off the counter as we were riding along.

Items we decided to bring with us from our apartment:

The first breakfast Willem made after moving onto the boat.
  • Summer clothes and a few winter items for our trip south. Since we will be passing through New York City in October we anticipate chilly temperatures that will only feel colder on the water in windy conditions.
  • Our coffee grinder. This is our ‘luxury’ kitchen item we didn’t want to leave without.
  • Magic Bullet for making smoothies, cream soups or pastes.
  • All of our spices and various types of flours for cooking/baking.
  • 6 sets of sheets for 4 bunks
  • Our wireless portable printer
  • Camera gear
  • Bathroom essentials, our favorite beach & regular towels
  • Boxes for organizing anything and everything.

So far so good. There is still plenty of cleaning to do to organize everything but I am looking forward to the Tetris challenge involved. Here’s to another large step in our adventure!

Ps. We 100% recommend visiting Tricycle Ice Cream when in Providence. We motivated ourselves with the reward of getting an ice cream sandwich after finally emptying our sublet. I opted for the taco, which was super delicious and also giant!