I grew up in Budapest, Hungary and came to study in the US when I was 18 years old - I was recruited to play volleyball at University of New Orleans. I transferred to VCU in Richmond, Virginia my second year, where I majored in Fashion Merchandising and met Willem shortly after graduation and before moving to New York City. My first time on a sailboat was when Willem introduced me to Celtic Spirit - ever since then I've been doing my best to pick up all the nuances of sailing!

I grew up in upstate New York and have lived mostly in the Northeast of the US (with the exception of Richmond, VA). I am also 50% dutch and go back to the motherland every few years to see family and enjoy Europe. I have been attracted to the water my entire life, started out in the neighborhood swimming pools as well as the Mohawk river. Over the years I picked up windsurfing from my dad and then sailing from my parents. When I lived in Buffalo, NY I also raced in sailboats. I have always had a competitive side (competitive rowing from high school through college). For many years I dreamed of chasing blue water on a catamaran. Now with Anett's help and some great training from the American Sailing Association, we are living that dream!

It was as if the cosmos aligned… We came from completely different parts of the world, but we both had the same ambition (to make it in New York City). Somehow, we both were in Richmond, VA and a chance meeting through a friend of Willem’s (jumping out of a moving car to greet Anett and her friend) has led to dating and then marriage! Now after 5 fantastic years spent living and working in New York City our ambitions are focused on beginning our voyage to blue water. Join us on our journey as we prepare Celtic Spirit and head south for the winter months, leaving our 'traditional' city lives behind.